‘Toobugere Jackfruit Growers Association’ of  Karnataka , India, is the only jackfruit farmers’ organisation of our country. Located in Bangalore Rural district, about an hour’s drive from Bangalore city, this association was formed by University of Agriculture Sciences, Bangalore.  Members of the association take part in jack festivals in different parts of Karnataka and sell their fruits.


Story and photos by Shree Padre, India Red fleshed jackfruit is the main attraction of Toobugere farmers. Very few people have seen this earlier. “Is it real?”, “How do you get it red?”, “Do you use any coloring techniques?”  – are some of the questions they face.


So much was the attraction of these fruits that in Sirsi, Karkala and Mangalore Jack festivals , all in Karnataka State – these  are areas growing jackfruit abundantly – even jackfruit farmers  bought red jackfruit bulbs at the rate of 30 to 40 Rupees a dozen or Rs 150 to 300 per fruit. In the annual jackfruit and Mango fair held at Lalbaug, Bangalore, Toobugere farmers sell the red fruit bulbs for 50 Rupees a dozen.


Red fleshed jackfruit is very rare in Kerala and other jack growing states. In Malayalam, it is called ‘Chembaratti Chakka” (chembaratti means hibiscus denoting red color). Its Kannada name is ‘Chandra Halasu’. “It’s so called because”, points out Dr Shyamalamma S, Associate Professor, Department of biotechnology, University of Sciences (UAS), Bangalore, “because the pulp in the ripe fruits resembles the color of full moon.” It has be noted that any color shade between yellowish red, light red, light pink to dark red  are all categorized by people as ‘red jackfruit.’


In fact, Kerala has two well-known red fleshed varieties. Sindhoora and Pattamuttam.  Sindhoora is popularized by Kerala Agriculture University’s (KAU) Farming Systems Research Station (FSRS), Kottarakkara. FSRS is regularly producing grafts of this variety for sale.


Says Biju Joseph, a lawyer and  jack-lover of Thodupuzha, “Out of these two varieties, Pattamuttam whose mother plant is from Changanassery, Kottayam district outbeats Sindhoora. Pattamuttam carpels are thick, but colour is not as uniform as Sindhoora.In taste also, Pattamuttam stands better. However the growth rate of Pattamuttam graft as compared Sindhoora, according to Jack Anil, a nursery owner of Puttur,  is less.


Two Red Jackfruit Taluks


If red jackfruit is rare in Kerala and elsewhere, it’s not so in Karnataka’s two regions.  Toobugere hobli and Gubbi taluk in Tumkur district are blessed with considerable percentage of red fleshed jackfruits. At Doddaballapur town, Bangalore city and in Dabuspete and K.B. Cross of Tumkur, vendors selling red jackfruits is common. They very well know that red jackfruit attracts the consumers more that it’s yellow cousin!


Dr Shyamalamma  has toured important jack growing areas of Karnataka and is an authority on jackfruit. Opines she: “Red fleshed Jackfruit is more on Toobugere taluk. The intensity of red color is also high with lot of variation in the red color starting from light pink to orange and real red color. The density of red flesh trees is high in Toobugere area than Gubbi taluk.”


But then, why is so much red fleshed jackfruit concentrated in these areas? “Scientific reason for this is not known. However it could be due to selective sowing of  red flesh seeds by the local farmers  from years”, analyses Dr Shyamalamma, “Also it could be due to the preference of the farmers and consumers for such trees, resulting in conservation of red flesh trees only, than others.”


High market preference


Many people may ask that “What’s there in color?”   Well. Remember the case of yellow watermelon, red and yellow capsicum etc. Red being an unusual color for jackfruit is attractive too. Wherever lose jackfruit bulbs are sold, demand for the red overtakes the yellow. Red ones command higher price, understandably because of the higher demand.



Interestingly, the high concentration of red fleshed jackfruit is confined to low rainfall areas. Though jackfruit trees are plenty in heavy rainfall districts of Karnataka like Dakshina Kannada, Uttara Kannada, Udupi, Shimoga etc, this belt has very few red jackfruits. One well-known exception is Mankalale Red variety near Sagar in Shimoga district that is both bright red and tasty. There are a hand counts more.


Are these red fleshed jackfruits tastier than their yellow fleshed counterparts? Clarifies Shyamalamma, “Not really, the yellow pulp color types tastes excellent. It has high aroma and higher sugar content. They are also good for processing into different value added products. Red fleshed jackfruits, by and large have less aroma and sweetness.” However, red jackfruits low aroma and sweetness is not a deterrent for the end consumers. A good section of the buyers like it.


Adds Shyamalamma: “Most of the red flesh trees are seen on dry land areas, receiving rainfall anywhere between 600-800mm, resulting in good aroma, taste, Total Soluble Sugars (TSS) and pulp crispness.”


KVK’s Efforts


(KVK) is situated in Hadonahally of Toobugere Area. This KVK has over the years made some varietal selection of excellent varieties of Jackfruit. Interestingly, out of 34 elite jackfruit cultivars KVK has selected from Toobugere Hobli, 16 are red fleshed. This makes 47%.  Says Dr.K.N.Srinivasappa,  Programme Coordinator of this Krishi Vigyan Kendra,  “Based on the study, it can be guessed broadly that around 30% of  red fleshed types are available in the area”.


Isn’t this a very high percentage of red fleshed for any area? How does he analyse why so much concentration? “Yes, there it is high percentage of red fleshed types for any area”, replies Dr. K.N.Srinivasappa, “This may be because of the old plants/trees planted by earlier generations were of red types later this has spread to an extent of thirty percent.”


Dr . Srinivasappa also agrees that all red fleshed jackfruit are not very tasty. Says he, “Red fleshed types are not necessarily exceed in taste and other qualities, there are other types such as yellow fleshed, white fleshed also tastes good with firm flesh and exhibit other good qualities.  However, the red fleshed are more attractive and preferred by the consumers.”


KVK, Hadonahalli is propagating six varieties of red fleshed jackfruit from among the elite varieties it has selected. “But we are able to produce very limited number of grafts, nonavailabilty of scions being the main reason”, says Dr Srinivasappa.


To put the facts straight, so far no exhaustive survey of red fleshed jackfruit trees is done in both the above areas. Dr Shyamalamma  guesstimates the red fleshed jackfruit trees population in Toobugere area as 10 to 15 %. In her opinion, Gubbi taluk has less than ten percent. Adds she: “ UAS has taken up a survey and identification on red fleshed jackfruits to select best types. Uniformly yielding jack trees with pink, orange to dark orange and some red types are selected. Criterion for selection are:  high pulp content, good yield, taste, aroma and attractive fruit shape and ideal size”.


C. Chennegowda, a farmer at Gerukuppe, Hassan district of Karnataka maintains that both Gubbi and Tipatur taluks of Tumkur district have more red fleshed Jackfruit, some of them with better taste than those of Toobugere. “I have visited at least fifty villages in these taluks. I’m a regular visitor for Lalbaug Jack Fair where only Toobugere jackfruit farmers bring their fruits. My opinion is based on discussions with farmers, eating hundreds of fruits and the in-flow to Lalbaug Fair that runs for weeks”, he says.


Scope for ‘red jack orchards’ and branding

Would efforts to brand and sell excellent red fleshed jackfruits in Super & Hyper markets succeed? “Definitely”, affirms Dr Shyamalamma, “ it requires some organized plantations of five to six best genotypes to continue assured and quality products supply.”


UAS has taken up four excellent red jack varieties four mass propagation. These varieties are:

  • K.Narasimhaiah  –  Pink pulp, longer flakes, big fruits ( 15-20 Kg) , high yielding (200-250 fruits at the age of 20 years and above)
  • Byrachandra –  Selection made by Dr. S.V.Hittalamani,  Retired Additional Director Horticulture (Fruits) – orange pulp, medium flake size, medium fruit size – 8-10 Kg,  twice bearing.
  •  Kachahalli Kempu Siddappa – Excellent type, with dark orange flakes, 10to 11 cm length, yield is average-80-100 fruits, fruit size-10-15 Kg.
  • Dasappa (Kanakapura Road) –  Light orange type, with bigger flakes 8-10cm, round fruits, 10-15 Kg size, yield-80-100 fruits.


When statistics of area and production of normal jackfruit trees are not available from many countries, there is no point in searching for country wise number of ‘red fleshed jackfruit trees’. Yet, presumably, with the relatively very high percentage of red fleshed jackfruit trees in two of Indian taluks – say 10 – 15% of the total tree population, India must be leading among the countries of the world in the number of ‘Red Fleshed Jackfruit Trees’.


Unique Opportunity

In fact, Toobugere Jackfruit farmers Association has a unique opportunity to pool, brand & sell their red fleshed jackfruits in cling film wrapped boxes or punnet boxes. They have huge demand and selling each red fruit at Rs.300- 500 now itself.  But if the same can be sold in more organized, hygienic and branded manner, it would bring more returns to these farmers.


With co-operative efforts, they can mass multiply these red fleshed and other excellent jackfruit varieties and can sell them for good price, thereby keeping the profit for the farmer community itself.


With its less aroma, it may be more acceptable for people who don’t like the strong aroma of yellow jackfruit. Red jackfruit will increase the appeal of jackfruit ice-cream, fruit bowl and as additives for desserts like Kesari bath, fruit salad etc. If separately pulped, it will have a distinct demand in preparation of toffees, milk shake etc.


Does red fleshed jackfruit have beneficial constituents like anti-oxidants that yellow fleshed jackfruits don’t have? This is worth conducting a research study. Unfortunately, till now, ‘red fleshed jackfruit’ remains very much lesser known to scientists as well as to many jackfruit lovers. A comprehensive varietal selection programme that extends to both Toobugere and Gubbi and propagation of the excellent types is also required. Farmers can go for developing commercial jackfruit orchards with selected red jackfruits and can sell lose bulbs in branded form directly to consumers and super-markets.


K.C. Vishwas, a farmer near Dudda, Hassan in Karnataka has travelled extensively in our country and collected 58 varieties of Jackfruit. Out of this 16 varieties are red fleshed. Altogether, he has 65 young trees of red types that have just started fruiting. It will be a good idea to brand these red bulbs, prepack it in transparent boxes and sell through super markets.



C.Channegowda has already planted jackfruit in 20 acres in his farm near Arakalagood of Hasan District, Karnataka. Out of this 65% of the plants are of different red fleshed varieties. In all he has eight red fleshed varieties, Bairachandra being his favourite. Says he: Not only Bairachandra is twice-bearing, but its carpels are thick, taste extra ordinary and keeping quality is very good. Bulbs inside a fruit are of uniform size. As such Bairachandra is one of the best fruits I have ever eaten. It stands ahead of Mankalale Red, Ramachandra etc.”


Channegowda has dreams to market his fruits, especially the red fleshed ones in a novel way. “This year, I couldn’t start it. Very next year, I will have a Ape mini truck re-designed like a glass house so that contents can be seen from a distance, travel to places where people assemble in Bangalore & sell prepacked fruits.”


Though he hopes to harvest his first crop only in 2017, to build up a clientele base, this wise guy plans to buy jackfruit and start ditect online sales of prepacked fresh bulbs.

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