Nutritional Value


Nutritive components
Pineapple is a good source of manganese (91 %DV in a 1 cup serving), as well as containing significant amounts of Vitamin C (94 %DV in a 1 cup serving) and Vitamin B1 (8 %DV in a 1 cup serving). For more information on Nutritive components of pineapple go to


Fyffes Gold Pineapple per 100g of fruit flesh:
 Fat  <0.2g
 Protein  0.52g
 Total Sugars  12.78g
 Vitamin C  33.18 mg
 Carbohydrate  13.20g
 Energy Kcal / 100g  61.25kcal
 Potassium  115.33mg
 Thiamin (B1)  0.08mg
 Riboflavin (B2)  0.02 mg


Important Phytochemicals:
Pineapple also contains a special enzyme, called bromelain, which helps the body’s digestive system. In addition, it contains other micro-nutrients which may help protect against cancer and also disperse blood clots for increased heart protection. A pineapple is also filled with enzymes that can tenderize meat and are therefore great for sweet or savoury dishes.


What is Bromelain?
Bromelain is an enzyme extracted from the pineapple fruit or stem (Gale Encyclopaedia of Alternative Medicine).


Medical Research has shown the effects below and its properties are:
  • Can aid digestion. Good health depends on adequate digestion. Bromelain is an enzyme capable of enhancing digestion, therefore reducing or eliminating nausea, heartburn, gastric reflux, and other symptoms that accompany non-digestion of foods. Pineapple consumption at the end of a meal and the comfort that it can bring is possibly the most often encountered benefit for bromelain.
  • Increases the efficiency of antibiotics
    Research indicates that Bromelain increases the effectiveness of antibiotics in our bodies by enabling them to enter the blood stream more efficiently, therefore speeding up the recovery process.
  • Helps reduce bruising and swelling/Blood thinning properties
    Bromelain speeds up the body’s healing process. Bromelain helps prevent blood platelets from sticking together; in other words, it keeps blood flowing freely. The result is that it helps to reduce swelling, by allowing better blood supply to the injured area and this leads to the healing of damaged tissue, especially muscle.
  • Can help minimize heart disease and stroke
    Bromelain helps to prevent the formation of blood clots in arteries. This helps to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease. Bromelain is also beneficial in reducing the clumping of platelets, which are small plate like particles in the blood. It reduces the risk of stroke. A great deal more research is necessary.
  • Anti-tumor action
    Studies have shown that Bromelain taken by cancer sufferers has resulted in the growth of a tumor being slowed down. Research has shown that consuming bromelain for 6 months to several years it can prevent the spread of cancerous cells from one part of the body to the other.

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