China is buying up almost all of Myanmar’s mangoes produced this year, said U Nay Lin Maung Maung, chair of the Myanmar Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Producers and Exporters Association in the Mandalay Region.



“China has bought all of our mangoes meant for export this year. And the fruit is also fetching good prices, depending on the variety and quality,” he said.


U Nay Lin Maung Maung said on May 20 that China pays between 80 and 140 yuan for a basket (15 or 16 kilos) of Myanmar’s Sein Talone mangoes this year and higher prices are offered for the better quality fruits.


“Prices are unstable. Mango prices have fallen slightly in recent days because mango farmers plucked their crops early as they were worried of crop damage by heavy rain. Young mangoes cannot fetch good prices. But now prices have risen,” he said.


He added that farmers have been planting high-quality mangoes every year. In addition to China, Myanmar’s mangoes are also exported to Japan and Singapore.


“We have changed from traditional farming methods and have introduced international technology in the mango orchards.


“We have been supported by technology from Thailand, China, Japan and Germany. The quality of Myanmar’s mangoes has improved this year and they have started exporting to Japan and Singapore this year,” said U Nay Lin Maung Maung.


“The Sein Talone mango variety from Myanmar fetches a good price in the international market and people like it as it has a marvelous taste. Besides the Sein Talone, other varieties of mangoes from Myanmar such as the Shwe Hintha and the Yin Kwai also fetch good prices,” he said.


“Shwe Hintha mangoes fetch better prices with every passing year. A basket of Shwe Hintha mangoes can fetch up to 140 yuan a basket when the market price for a basket of Sein Talone mango is just 120 yuan. Although people prefer the Sein Talone variety to the Shwe Hintha, the Shwe Hintha mangoes are fetching better prices annually,” he added.


U Nay Lin Maung Maung said that mangoes are inserted into bags in January, and depending on how fast they ripen, they can be sold in April and May. Nevertheless, mango yield has gone down this year compared to previous years.


Source: Myanmar Times

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