Geelong researchers are calling on people with schizophrenia to take part in an innovative trial investigating whether a tropical fruit extract can improve symptoms.


The trial uses the rind of the mangosteen, consumed in a capsule form, to compliment existing conventional medications in the hope of achieving full, functional recovery.


The trail, which commenced last year, is a collaboration between Barwon Health, Deakin University’s Centre for Innovation in Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Treatment (IMPACT) Strategic Research Centre and the University of Queensland.


The study has had 98 participants to date, with a target of 150.


Psychiatrist and Director of IMPACT Professor Michael Berk said with mental illness affecting one in five people it’s important treatments continue to improve.


“It is crucial there are effective treatments and ample services available for continued support and management,” he said.


“This unique trial may help determine whether this simple supplement can have a positive effect on the symptoms of schizophrenia and its associated disorders, such as schizoaffective disorder.”


Impact Trials Director Dr Olivia Dean said the trial is an extension of new scientific evidence which suggests that mangosteen rind might boost mood and intellectual functioning.


“We ask each person to take two capsules a day, in addition to anything they would usually take, for a period of 24 weeks,” she said.


“During that time, each person will attend several interviews to see how their symptoms are going and how they’re going on the pericarp treatment.”


To be eligible for the study participants must have a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and be experiencing symptoms, be over 18 years of age, and able to attend appointments in Geelong.


A similar study, which attracted $1.2 million of funding over four years, is being conducted using mangosteen to treat symptoms of bipolar.


Source: Geelong Advertiser

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