Jalisco’s mango production chain has been making advances in the certification of its orchards and its packers, to improve the exportable supply. This is a response to the demands of the global market, said the general director of Agricultural and Horticultural Development of the Seder in Jalisco, Mario Ramos Velasco.


The state official said that as part of their health strategy, they had strengthened their Plant Health Boards. “Producers and packers are part of a very strong link in which producers are required to have their farms certified or start working to eradicate the fruit fly,” he said.


The general director of Agriculture and Fruit and Vegetable Development of the Secretariat of Rural Development (Seder), said the municipal authorities, the federal authority, and the state authority, were working to make this happen. “The truth is that we’ve had very good results,” he said.


He also said that there was a promising context to improve the productive chain of this fruit for the benefit of producers, packers and other members, through better practices that focus on quality and market trends.


In addition, he said Jalisco had made progress in the improvement of mango varieties, as they had produced a variety with a low sugar content, and that they were working together to face the increasingly demanding phytosanitary challenges.


He also stated that mango production in 2016 had amounted to 113,607 tons, which had been harvested from 7,786 hectares and was worth 300 million pesos. “This year there will be two thousand hectares and four packers involved in the process of certification in Jalisco,” he said.


At the same time the Secretary of Mango for Export Packing Facilities (EMEX), Jorge Armando Celis, said that, since Mexico is one of the leading exporters of mango in the world, they would hold the First World Congress of Mango Producers and Exporters from November 30 to December 1 in Puerto Vallarta.


He said they expected the participation of 16 countries, including producers, marketers, authorities and researchers.


Meanwhile, the organizer of the congress, Erick Viramontes, said that this meeting’s program integrated technical and commercial topics, and the study of successful experiences, including the winning model that has catapulted the avocado and the berries into the international market.


He also said that mango was an important agricultural business for the Pacific Coast states in Mexico, from Chiapas to Sinaloa, as it currently generated one million wages and more than 300 million dollars in exports, according to the most recent official data.


The meeting will be attended by speakers from several countries of importance in the production and marketing of mango, such as the United States, Israel, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Australia, Spain, and the Netherlands, among others.



Source: 20 Minutos
Translation: Freshplaza

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