New Zealand is a step closer towards supplying fresh avocados to China and opening up access to an untapped market for Kiwi growers.


The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and New Zealand Avocado announced yesterday after a series of discussions and signing of protocol to agree export requirements, negotiations had successfully wrapped up.

“Securing export access for our avocados into China is New Zealand’s top horticulture priority,” says MPI Director-General Martyn Dunne.

Although avocados are relatively unknown in China, it’s still expected to be a significant market for New Zealand avocados.

New Zealand Avocado Chief Executive Jen Scoular says: “China is very aware of the significant global increase in avocado consumption, the associated health benefits and the strong growth and huge potential in the avocado category”.

Avocado exports will join New Zealand’s other fresh fruit exports to China that include apples, kiwifruit, cherries, plums, citrus and persimmons.

In 2016/17, New Zealand exported $155.5 million of avocados into markets such as Australia, Japan, Singapore, Korea and Thailand – a growth of around $64 million from the previous season.
Martyn Dunne says the progress towards avocado access into China is a good demonstration of the strength of collaboration and positive, respectful relationships.


Source: TVNZ

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