According to estimates, in the 2018/2019 campaign, Peru will export 180 thousand tons of fresh mango, i.e. 13% less than the record 207 thousand tons it dispatched in the previous season.


This was stated by the president of the Peruvian Association of Producers of Mango (ProMango), Angel Gamarra Condori, who said that of 80% of the mango areas were flowering thanks to the cold weather there was up until August. However, he said, the change in weather has caused it to regrow in some fields.


“We hope it rains in March and not before, as this would allow us to collect all the fruit without being exposed to diseases and the mango won’t be stained. If it rains before, we won’t be able to export the production of these areas, where the fruit is regrowing, because the fruit will be stained,” he said.


He also said that there had been no rains in the last campaign, which made it possible to reach an export record of fresh mango, but that they do need rains in April to be able to store water in the reservoirs and ensure irrigation for the next campaign.


“Fortunately, this year producers didn’t carry out a complementary rice campaign because of the low volume of water stored, which has favored other crops,” he said.


Angel Gamarra also said that Peruvian mango production in the next campaign (2018/2019) would reach 350 thousand tons, 75% of which would be produced in Piura.


Translation: Freshplaza

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