Last season the Lusar Tropical company, a company from Huelva that is dedicated to the plantation of tropical fruits, managed to produce more than 300,000 kilos of a native variety of mango that has been adapted to the climate of the area. According to the company, they expect production will increase by 20 percent in the next campaign.


After having experimented with different varieties in recent years, the head of Tropical Lusar, Pilar Lucio, who began betting on the cultivation of tropical fruits in the province nearly 30 years ago, said that this variety “has no strands, is much sweeter, and has a smaller size.”


Thus, she said, it has been well accepted in the markets. In fact, this company exports 80 percent of its mango production to Europe, specifically to countries in northern Europe and Portugal.


“It is a variety that has adapted well to the climate of the province of Huelva,” she said. Last season started in August but this year it will be delayed until October because of the mild temperatures registered during last summer.


After many years of research, this company, which has become the reference producer of a wide variety of citrus and tropical products, has achieved unique varieties in the market that adapt to the real demand of consumers of these products.


They also have their own citrus production, such as the Mano de Buda variety, which comes from Thailand; the citrus caviar, coming from Australia, as well as limes, and tropical fruits, such as the mango, the Litchi chinensis – a small grape, or guava.


“We bring them from international nurseries. We conduct tests and if they work we consider their production depending on the commercial output that the product may have,” said Lucio, who assured that they normally have to produce the fruits for a few years to check how they behave in the face of climate change.


According to Lucio, people demand this fruit but it is mainly used in the restaurant sector. Finally, the head of Tropical Lusar said the company never collected the fruit before it reached its maturation point because it would cause a substantial reduction in texture and flavor, a characteristic that distinguishes these products on any other quality.


She also spoke about avocado plantation in the province of Huelva. She said they had performed some tests but hadn’t been able to achieve the appropriate results. However, she said, she knew there were some plantations in other areas of the province, such as Gibraleon and Villablanca.


Source: Europa Press
Translation: Freshplaza

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