Dot Walton loves avocado but it’s more than she can stomach paying $5 (USD 3.29) for each one at this time of year.

The New Plymouth woman usually starts each day with ground nuts, Vegemite and avocado on toast and is used to the price of her breakfast fix fluctuating.



But she says it’s unusual for the fruit to reach $5 (USD 3.29) each in April.

On Friday avocados were selling for $4.99 (USD 3.28) at New World supermarkets and $5.50 (USD 3.62) at Countdown.

“If this is $5 (USD 3.29) now, you can only guess what they’re going to be midwinter,” Walton said.

Avocados are notorious for their seasonal price fluctuations.

In June 2017, avocados reached a shocking $7.50 (USD 4.93) in parts of the country.

A $5 avocado is not unusual, but that is usually the winter price, not the autumn one, growers say.

Walton said not only was the price prematurely high, but the quality and size were inconsistent.

The 76-year-old bought two avocados from different supermarkets in the last week, exchanged one because it was rotten and then ended up with two completely different sized avocados, each costing $5 (USD 3.29).

“I’m annoyed they can charge that price for two totally different sized things.”

Walton said she usually refuses to buy avocados when they hit $5 (USD 3.29), even though she holds them responsible for her good health.

“The goodness in an avocado is the reason I get them,” she said.

“I’m very health conscious.”

New Plymouth avocado grower Donald Johnson, of DJ’s Avos on Airport Dr, watches avocado prices change each year.

“In my view, it’s gone up a little earlier this time,” Johnson said.

“As we go through autumn there’s less and less avocados on the market.

“It tells you they’ve got short a lot quicker this year.”

Johnson usually sells three “decent sized” avocados for $5 (USD 3.29) at his stall from October to March.

He’s been lucky this year and is set for a second selling season in mid-May.

“That doesn’t happen very often. It is a seasonal fruit.”

Johnson said $5 (USD 3.29) per fruit was on the pricey side.

“I think this is expensive but the market dictates.

“If they’re short and they can get the price they’ll sell them all.”

Source: Jane Matthews, Stuff

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