The Johor State Executive Council has approved the Green Revolution Project for the Development of Johor Unused Land which will see acreage under government agencies planted with crops like the MD2 pineapple and starfruit.


Islamic Religious Affairs, Agriculture and Rural Development Committee chairman, Tosrin Jarvanthi, said: “This is a fresh approach for a great deal of unused land under agencies like Felda, Felcra, Kejora, Risda and Lembaga Tabung Haji. It is estimated there is almost 1,000 hectares.


He told reporters after attending a Johor Farmers’ Organisation Board (LPP) Aidilfitri function that a proposal to set up an implementation committee will be submitted to the Johor Exco next week, with a big launch expected in five months’ time.


For starters, the farming project will begin with land under Felda in a locality to be announced later.


He said the Johor Agriculture Department will act as the secretariat, while the implementation committee will be made up of LPP Johor, the State Economic Planning Unit (Upen) and Land and Minerals Office.


“The main project will begin with the cultivation of MD2 pineapple under the Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board, starfruit with the help of the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Mardi) and a black pepper intercrop under the Malaysian Pepper Board,” said Tosrin.


Source: Edgeprop

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