On Monday, June 10, the price paid to producers of the giant dwarf banana variety, packed in a wooden box, surpassed the 6 pesos per kilo barrier. This price increase is due to the shortage of fruit that can be cut and the existence of high demand in the national market.


Prices are on an upward trend, on Monday’s morning marketers in the region of Coahuayana and Cerro de Ortega offered to pay 6 pesos per kilo, and in the afternoon the price had risen to 6.30 and 6.50 pesos per kilogram of banana packed in a wooden box.


If the trend continues, it’s very possible that prices may increase up to 8 pesos a kilo to the producer this week.


Producers of the Central Pacific have been asked to defend the value of the banana and not to delay cutting the fruit to avoid hindering the upward price trend.


Source: Angel Méndez, Quadratín

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