PHOTO: The storm caused hundreds of mangoes to fall to the ground. SOURCE: 10 Daily/Facebook

Original source: Peter Devlin, 10 Daily

Every cloud has a silver lining, in this case, it’s cheap mangoes.

Perth Mango Farm was battered by a storm on Tuesday afternoon causing it to ‘rain mangoes’ with hundreds falling to the ground.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, the farm announced they were offloading the fruit dirt cheap as a result.

“It’s all been knocked off the trees in Tuesday’s storm and we need to offload ASAP,” the farm wrote.

The farm was offering buckets of mangoes for $10 – that’s a lot to make smoothies, juice, chutney and jam with.

“Please help us out and share this post. They are the best-tasting mangoes, guaranteed!”

The farm was also offering mango trees (that will fruit next season) for $50.

If you’re in the area, the farm is located at 105 Wattle Avenue, Nowergup.

The recent storm was the worst Perth has seen since 2010, the state’s emergency chief superintendent Stuart Wade said.

In just six hours, more than 700 calls were made to emergency services as trees were uprooted, homes damaged and power lines torn down.

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