PHOTO: The president of the Casma Farmers Association said that the market is paralyzed waiting for the alert to be lifted. SOURCE: Agraria

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Avocado producers from Casma in the Ancash region are very concerned about the stoppage of mango and avocado exports to China due to the health crisis that the coronavirus has caused in the country.

The president of the Farmers Association from Casma, Rafael Santolalla Coral, stated that the current situation in the Asian country had affected about 10,000 tons of mango for export.

“About 10,000 tons were exported last year. The product is shipped by air and sea; However, now everything is paralyzed. We are waiting for the alert to be raised so that we can export that same amount in 2020,” he said.

According to estimates, producers from Casma will export 30,000 tons of mango to Europe this year.

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