2020 has been an unprecedented year which witnessed how disruptions can shape the dynamics of commonplace engagements. As rapidly as the pandemic swept nations, the responses to mitigate these disruption were equally swift, with various adjustments introduced to fit into the ‘new norm’.

In light of the coronavirus pandemic and heightened concerns on its impact to health and travel, TFNet’s major events scheduled to take place in India for the year 2020 had to be cancelled. Despite this unfavourable turn of events, TFNet expresses its gratitude to the government of India for the cordial acceptance to host the events, and looks forward to  India’s continued support for future activities and events.  Many planned events had to be reviewed and rescheduled. Nevertheless, the year 2020 has brought us closer to connectivity with greater dependence on technology enablers and virtual platforms. TFNet like many other organizations has capitalized on these to move forward with the ‘new norm’.

Among the highlights for 2020 was the virtual workshop on banana TR4 disease. The initial event planned to be held physically in China however took form through a four-part virtual workshop series on “Safeguarding the Banana Industry from Fusarium Wilt: Research Updates and Opportunities in Asia Pacific” which was successfully held throughout the months of October to November 2020 in collaboration with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GDAAS), Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS), and the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT. The workshop engaged with participants including researchers, scientists, growers, and the private sector from 16 countries in addition to participants from international organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and CABI. The discussions that ensued have set the stage for future research collaborations addressing the issue of Fusarium Wilt in banana.

2021 has been proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV). TFNet is a member of the International Steering Committee for this important year and has actively participated in the planning and preparation of programmes. Among the major objectives of the year will be to raise awareness of and directing policy attention to the nutrition and health benefits of fruits and vegetables consumption, enhancements of value chains to reduce waste and farm family inclusion. TFNet invites all its members and other stakeholders to join us in the forthcoming activities planned to celebrate the auspicious year.

TFNet actively participated in various events with partners around the region including playing the role as a resource entity during the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) 2020 Crop Protection Colloquium in August 2020.

Among the knowledge products produced for 2020 include the Proceedings for the International Symposium on Tropical Fruits (ISTF 2019) titled “Recent advances and best practices to improve productivity and enhance market access for tropical fruits” released in July 2020. TFNet continues to disseminate its monthly electronic newsletter, the TFNet Newsfeed which contains useful updates in terms of research and news on global tropical fruits, as means of updating and engaging with its members.

Throughout 2020, TFNet participated in bidding calls for development projects and consultancies. These attempts will well continue into the coming year for extending TFNet’s impact in integrating the importance of tropical fruits in national and regional development efforts.

Planning is already underway for TFNet’s 2021 events. Once again, TFNet’s activities for 2021 will align with its core mission of facilitating international cooperation and aimed for filling in important gaps of knowledge and building of capacities of member countries. Among the activities planned include a National Seminar on Tropical Fruits with TFNet’s Associate member The Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, scheduled to take place in April 2021, TFNet’s International Symposium on Tropical Fruits (ISTF 2021), TFNet’s 8th General Assembly (GA) and a host of other virtual seminars to benefit its members. In the pipeline is a virtual forum among TFNet member countries on national level scenarios faced by tropical fruit value chains in adjusting to the various disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thus, the network looks forward to accomplishing greater success with all esteemed members and stakeholders for the year ahead.

On behalf of the TFNet Chairman and Board of Trustees, the Secretariat would like to thank all esteemed members, partners, and stakeholders for your support in 2020.

Have a productive year ahead! We wish you all a happy and healthy 2021!

The Secretariat of the International Tropical Fruits Network

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