PHOTO SOURCE: Yacob Ahmad, TFNet

SOURCE: Tehran Times

Iran has imported 308,970 tons of banana worth USD 210.32 million during the first nine months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20-December 20), according to the spokesman of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA).

Ruhollah Latifi said the nine-month import equals the whole imports of this product in the past year.

As the IRICA has announced, Iran’s non-oil imports stood at 25 million tons valued at USD 26.8 billion during the first nine months of this year.

As reported, the country’s top five sources of imports during this period were China with USD 7 billion, the UAE with USD 6.3 billion, Turkey with USD 3 billion, India with USD 1.6 billion, and Germany with USD 1.6 billion worth of imports.

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