PHOTO: The Citizen

SOURCE: Jacob Mosenda/The Citizen

The Ministry of Agriculture has announced the opening of another avocado market in India, providing opportunity for the crop’s stakeholders and farmers to export the product to overseas markets.

In a statement sent to the public on Tuesday November, 30, the ministry said the health authorities on plants in India through notice no. S.O. 4870 dated November 25, 2021, has for the first time approved the export of avocados from Tanzania to India.

“The Ministry would like to thank all the stakeholders who participated in the successful opening of this market, including specialists in the Plant Health sector, the private sector and avocado growers in the country,” reads the statement in part.

“We also thank the World Food Organisation (FAO) who were key participants in this process,” said the government in a statement.

The development comes just a day after the key player in a multi-million-dollar horticulture industry set eyes on a $133 million Chinese avocados market, after South Africa recently cleared the Tanzanian avocados to access its relatively huge market.

On South Africa’s market Taha Group CEO, Ms Jacqueline Mkindi said, “As we sincerely salute the government for its painstaking efforts to strike a bilateral deal for Tanzanian avocados to access the South African market, we are now eyeing the Chinese market.”

As the champion of horticulture in the country, Taha played a central role in supporting the government to persuade the South African government to open up its expansive avocados market to Tanzania and now without any doubt it is a very big step that the government has taken to reach the Indian market.

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