SOURCE: Mango shoot loopers eat leaves, shoots and fruit. PHOTO: Queensland Department of Agriculture

An exotic plant pest known as mango shoot looper has been officially detected in the Northern Territory for the first time, putting the region’s mango industry on alert.

The moth species, originally from Asia, had not been found in Australia until a detection in Queensland in September.

When in its caterpillar form, mango shoot loopers feed on mango tree leaves, shoots, flowers, and immature fruit.

The pest was found on a farm in the Darwin rural area in late March, with DNA sequencing confirming the species in April.

Northern Territory senior principal entomologist Brian Thistleton told ABC Rural the mango shoot looper may have been in the region for a while.

“We had all sorts of reports of increased [pest] activity … the problem is we couldn’t actually call it until we got a specimen and a confirmed identification,” Dr Thistleton said.

He said damage by mango shoot loopers in Queensland had not been “as severe” as first thought.

“I’ve been told by entomologists in Queensland that [the damage] is aggregated into certain places, not right through the orchard. You get little spots with the shoot looper,” he said.

“It’s a pest mainly at flowering time … it attacks the flowers, so it will be an issue for fruit set.”

Mango shoot loopers also attack lychee trees, but there are no commercial lychee growers in the NT.

Biosecurity threat
The Australian Mango Industry Association moved quickly to inform NT growers about the pest and insecticides available to growers.

NT Farmers Association chief executive Paul Burke said the organisation’s staff had been raising awareness about the pest.

“We will continue to closely work with the Department of Industry’s biosecurity team to safeguard the industry from the mango shoot looper threat,” he said.

“In the interests of Territory farmers and the economy, it is essential that biosecurity threats such as mango shoot looper are rapidly identified and managed.

“If mango shoot looper is not effectively managed, it will potentially reduce farmers’ profits and the growth of the industry in the Territory.”

Mango shoot looper is an emergency plant pest. If you suspect an infestation, contact the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.

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