An oversupply of mangoes in the market has seen the price for a box drop $10 in the past week. PHOTO: Lucy Cooper/ABC Rural

SOURCE: Lucy Cooper and Tanya Murphy, ABC

Farmers say mango prices have plummeted in the past week because of an overlap of supply from key growing regions.

While it’s terrible news for growers, consumers can now expect to see a price drop for mangoes at the supermarket.

“Prices have come back probably $10 a box in the past week,” Far North Queensland grower John Nardi said.

“It has been a strong crop in all regions.”

What has caused the oversupply?
The mango harvest has started earlier than expected for many growers in Far North Queensland due to a hot and humid spring.

This has coincided with the Northern Territory and Burdekin growing regions running behind in their seasons.

“Volume in the market is going to be stronger than we would like to see as north Queensland is typically separated by a few weeks from the other regions,” Mr Nardi said.

Cheap mangoes just in time for Christmas
A beloved summer treat, mangoes across Australia tend to be consumed on special occasions because of their traditionally higher price point.

But this summer, growers hope Australians will buy in bulk to help address the oversupply of fruit flooding the market.

“The good thing for consumers is that there will be strong supply going into Christmas,” Mr Nardi said.

“Those strong numbers will then have an impact on prices.”

Lowest prices in years
Mr Nardi said the price drop could be the nail in the coffin for many mango growers.

“[Prices] are the lowest I’ve seen in three or four years,” he said.

“It’s very disappointing, especially on top of the increase in costs that we’ve had to endure over the past couple of years. It’s a struggle, it really is.”

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