Traders, farmers and other stakeholders from 14 counties have formed an association to promote commercial farming of mangoes and bargain for better prices for their members.


Association of Kenya Mango Traders (AKMT) founding chief executive Linah Mukami said mainstreaming of the mangoes as a key cash crop will strengthen its value chain through the establishment of a unified marketing platform.


She said AKMT will engage the national and county governments to support seedling production of the popular Kent, Ngowe and Apple mango varieties.



“AKMT is working with county governments to abolish multiple and high tax points, helping farmers address issues of fruit flies and mango weevils, a better market structure, improve poor feeder roads and promotion of mango consumption across Kenya,” she said.


AKMT chairman Julius Njuki said 50 self-help groups had since been enrolled with a view to bringing farmers together to demand better prices for their produce.


Mango farming is done at a commercial scale in Kwale, Tana River, Taita Taveta, Murang’a, Elgeyo Marakwet, Lamu, Kilifi, Machakos, Garissa, Makueni, Kitui, Embu, Tharaka Nithi, and Meru counties.


Mr Njuki said farmers will also benefit from trainings on farm husbandry and post-harvest loss management to boost production of clean and high quality mangoes that meet international market requirements.


Kenya produces about 450,000 metric tonnes of mangoes annually that are mostly consumed locally with several counties promoting value addition that now absorbs 20 percent of fruits produced.


Last May, Kerio Valley Development Authority unveiled a Sh 60 million (USD 580,000) factory at Tot township with a capacity to process 24 tonnes of mangoes a year.


Thika-based fruit marketing firm, Kenya Fruits Solution, inked a pact with local farmers for purchase of 10,000 metric tonnes of dried apple mangoes every harvesting season.


In Makueni, a Sh 110 million (USD 1.06 million) mango fruit processing factory was funded by the European Union under the Instrument for Devolution Advice and Support (IDEAS) programme.


Source: James Kairuki, Business Daily

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