PHOTO: The pandemic has caused mango exports to plummet in Pakistan, threatening the livelihoods of fruit vendors. SOURCE: Salman Idris Qazi, Business Insider Today

SOURCE: Yasmina Hatem, Lisa Desai, Claire Molloy, and Havovi Cooper/Business Insider

In Pakistan, mangoes are a prized household staple, with over two dozen varieties grown and exported all over the world.

The South Asian nation is the third-biggest global exporter of mangoes — mostly selling to the UK, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia.

But this year COVID-19 has not spared Pakistan’s so-called “king of fruits.” Exports have fallen by almost a third — an estimated 30,000 metric tons, a National Agricultural Research Center horticulturist told Business Insider Today.

Now, most of the mangoes are ending up in local markets, and the high supply but low demand has caused a sharp fall in prices.

Business Insider Today followed local fruit vendor Muzaffar Hussain in Islamabad.

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