Representative photo. SOURCE: Jacqueline Brandwayn, Unsplash

SOURCE: Opportimes

Mexico’s mango exports between January and October 2020 increased by 4.5% in value over the same period of the previous year, totaling 325.7 million dollars. The export volume increased by 2.5%, totaling 409,800 tons, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture.

The growth of Mexican shipments shows a positive performance when compared to the contraction of exports of basic product at the world level, including exports of mango, mangosteen, and guava, which according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) amounted to 1.2 million tons between January and July 2020, i.e. 4.9% lower than in the same period of 2019.

This decrease is explained by a significant reduction in mangosteen exports from Thailand to China, together with lower mango exports from Mexico to the United States (which later recovered), and from Brazil to the European Union.

In major import markets, a significant portion of mangoes is consumed outside the home. Thus, the widely implemented pandemic-related restrictive measures were particularly damaging to the mango, the most traded fruit in this commodity group.

Likewise, according to the FAO, the world trade in mangoes, mangosteens, and guavas also showed greater susceptibility to the adverse effects of the pandemic because of their high perishability, sensitivity in transport, and because a large part of the exports is transported by air.

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