PHOTO: About 8,000 hectares in Paraguay is dedicated to banana cultivation. SOURCE: La Nacion

SOURCE: La Nacion

According to data from the Single Export Window (VUE) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) of Paraguay, in 2020 banana exports grew by 33% over the previous year, totaling USD 15,621,246.

The representative of the National Intersectoral Banana Competitiveness Table (Menicob), Hugo Franco, said they had good expectations for this year, as the production was in very good conditions and the rains in recent weeks had been favorable. “We depend on the Argentine market, which is our main buyer. We also depend on the banana’s price, which is set by the Ecuadorian banana,” he stated.

Argentina is the main market for Paraguay’s bananas. Uruguay is a sporadic buyer and last year the country made trial shipments to Chile.

“If the international market responds, we would have a jump in our exports in 2021 and we could surpass the amount exported last year,” Franco said.

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