'Dawn Delight' a desi dwarf papaya variety developed by Bengaluru based bio-tech firm. PHOTO: Deccan Herald

SOURCE: Jahnavi R, DHNS, Deccan Herald

A city-based biotech lab has developed a desi variety of table-top papaya, which lasts up to two weeks, unlike the regular variety. Developed by Thomas Biotech Lab, the papaya variety, christened ‘Dawn Delight’, grows only up to three or four feet and is best for cultivation on the terrace, balconies, and kitchen gardens. The desi variety will also end the constant import of the elite variety of papaya from Taiwan.

“In general, we spend about Rs 400 crore in importing the seeds of an exotic variety of papaya from Taiwan,” said Pious Thomas, CEO, Thomas Biotech Lab. “I thought (it would be good) if we could have a variety similar to that in most aspects, but produced here.”

Developed by the lab via tissue culture, Thomas said the papaya variety has become a smashing hit among farmers and kitchen garden buffs. Scientists said the latest variety grows up to three to four feet in height.

“The tree starts bearing fruit in about seven to eight months at a height of 30 to six cm from the ground. The weight of the papaya fruit varies from 0.5 kg to 1 kg,” Thomas explained.

Researchers said the seedless variety has several advantages over the seeded varieties available in the market. If not grown in open sunlight, the plant may take over a month to yield fruit.

For starters, the fruit requires no pollination to set (parthenocarpy), which saves farmers the cost of growing extra plants for fertilisation. Without seeds, the fruit is also smaller in size and ideal for consumption. Compared to regular varieties, Dawn Delight has a longer shelf life. The fruits will be in good condition for 10 to 12 days and can last up to two weeks, if refrigerated.

“The fruit’s firmness won’t be lost, helping marketability,” Thomas said. “Farmers can send their produce to distant markets and it also benefits vendors.”

Virus attack Additionally, the variety has also shown resistance to most common viruses that affect papayas like the ringspot virus. The lab also provides a kit consisting of anti-viral and immunity-boosting chemicals to help the farmers.

Thomas said the fruit has evinced interest from both domestic gardeners and agricultural farmers.

“In two years, we have seen great demand in Hassan, Tumakuru, and other districts in the state,” he said. “We have also distributed it to Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Maharashtra. We are now scaling up our production to meet the demand.”

Scientists have recommended not to grow papayas in smaller pots as it might restrict root growth and affect productivity.

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