SOURCE: Viridiana Hernández Fernández, University of Iowa/ The Conversation Consumers’ love for avocados in the United States seems to know no bounds. From 2001 through 2020, consumption of this fruit laden with healthy fats tripled nationwide, rising to over 8 pounds per person yearly. On average, 90% of those avocadosContinue Reading

SOURCE: Hindustan Times The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), the central food regulatory body, on Saturday issued a fresh warning to traders against using calcium carbide for artificially ripening mangoes, citing serious health risks. The FSSAI has alerted fruit traders, handlers, and Food Business Operators (FBOs) operatingContinue Reading

SOURCE: Deccan Herald Sheraz Maqsood, one of the biggest fruit farmers in Khanewal, Punjab province told PTI that this year due to various reasons, climate change among them, the production of mangoes in Punjab province is down by almost 30-35% while in Sindh, it is less by 20%. Already batteredContinue Reading

SOURCE: Astrid van den Broek, Freshplaza Whether it’s grapes or apples or–in this case papayas–many growers and shippers across the country are looking into new varietals of fruits especially. This includes Ecoripe Tropicals which began shipping a new type of papaya in March, the Andean Mountain Papaya. “We’re currently exploringContinue Reading