TFNet CEO, Yacob Ahmad was selected to participate in a study mission organized by The Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) on export promotion of processed food products to Germany from 8-12 October 2009. There were altogether 18 participants from Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Malaysia, Iran, Pakistan and Laos inContinue Reading

International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet) in collaboration with Bioversity International, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) and Department of Agriculture Malaysia organized the ‘International Seminar on Recent Developments in the Production, Postharvest Management and Trade of Minor Tropical Fruits’ in Kuala Lumpur on 18 – 19 August 2009. TheContinue Reading

The workshop was attended by 16 participants comprising of members of the Board of Trustees, Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia, specially invited participants and the TFNet secretariat. Facilitators of the workshop were consultants from a company – Executive Essentials. The objective of the workshop was: – to engageContinue Reading

Study visit to Agricultural Projects in East Java, Indonesia from 23 – 29 November 2008 This visit will include:- •  Visit Government Kabupaten Kediri •  Visit Pineapple Plantation – Ngancar (Farmers group) •  Visit Apple Plantation •  Visit Shallot Farmers Group •  Visit Padi SRI (System of Rice Intensification) PPKContinue Reading

The biggest tropical fruit event for this year – the 4th International Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits was held at the Convention Hall, Agriculture Institute, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, from 3 – 7 November 2008. The symposium was organised by the International Society for Horticultural Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture,Continue Reading

Background The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) has financed a project under the Fast Track facility entitled “The Transfer of Global Information System On Tropical Fruits with Special Focus on Africa”. The main objective of the project is to develop a credible and comprehensive information clearing-house with technical information onContinue Reading

The Tenth Board of Trustees (BOT) Session of the International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet) was held in Davao City, Philippines on 2 September 2016, a day after the “International Symposium on Tropical Fruits: Towards Sustainable Tropical Fruit Production and Global Food Security”.   It was attended by 26 delegates from 11 countries, including a representativeContinue Reading