Known for its rich, sweet, tart, and creamy taste, santol is commonly consumed in the Philippines and Thailand. It is mostly eaten fresh – one has to suck on the thick flesh covering the seed to get the flavor. However, the fruit’s real potential lies in processing of its thickContinue Reading

Introduction / Agronomy Postharvest and Processed Products Market and International Trade Research and Development   Back to > Major Fruits | Minor Fruits | Underutilized Fruits | Rare Fruits Physiological Changes However, black heart (BH) disorder and post harvest diseases will shorten the storage life of fruits at low temperature.Continue Reading

Introduction / Agronomy Postharvest and Processed Products Market and International Trade Research and Development    Back to > Major Fruits | Minor Fruits | Underutilized Fruits | Rare Fruits Introduction Pineapple is native to Uruguay, Brazil, and Paraguay of South America, a tropical perennial herb with multiple fruit. It isContinue Reading