SOURCE: Clara Hernanz Lizarraga and Ainhoa Goyeneche, Bloomberg When Manuel Lavao planted some of Europe’s very first avocado orchards in 1978 in La Axarquía, a sun-soaked stretch of southern Spain, he helped usher in decades of growth for the continent’s exotic fruit sector. Almost a half-century later, he’s pulling upContinue Reading

SOURCE: Kevin Rotich, CapitalFM Kenya is looking for avocado markets in Malaysia as it finalizes import requirements in the Asian country. Kenya’s High Commissioner to Malaysia, Francis Muhoro, wrote a letter to the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate (KEPHIS) to finalize import requirements for commodities. Malaysia offers an untapped market forContinue Reading

SOURCE: Tina Caputo, The Packer California farmers first planted avocados in 1856, lagging behind Florida, yet the Golden State now accounts for about 90% of production in the U.S. Among the hundreds of avocado varieties in existence, California farmers grow seven commercially, with the native hass making up about 95%Continue Reading

The national peak avocado body has welcomed a “game changer” deal giving Australian Hass growers access to the Indian market. The Australian and Indian governments issued a joint statement welcoming the finalisation of market access for Hass avocados. It’s a significant boost to an industry that is experiencing a massiveContinue Reading

SOURCE: Reuters A Mexican citizen has filed a complaint over alleged environmental damage from avocado production under the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) free trade agreement, a filing shows. The complainant, whose name is not revealed, argues that Mexico does not properly apply its own environmental laws around protecting forestry and waterContinue Reading

SOURCE: Levante TRANSLATION: Freshplaza In many cases, the avocado is grown on land that was previously devoted to the production of oranges and clementines. Currently, the Valencian Community has 2,800 hectares of avocado, a crop that has rapidly expanded throughout the community and, according to Celestino Recatala, the vice presidentContinue Reading

SOURCE: Produce Report China’s demand for high-quality fresh avocados continues to grow and its avocado production and imports are expected to continue to increase in coming years, according to a recent report by China-based staff at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Growth of Chinese avocado consumption is being driven byContinue Reading

SOURCE: Tim Karman, The Washington Post Avocados, the fruit known as “green gold” because of their ability to generate billions of dollars for producers, are apparently so abundant right now that South American farmers are just giving them away. A nonprofit group in Philadelphia passed out hundreds of thousands ofContinue Reading