SOURCE: Xinhua Kenya’s integrated agro-business firm Kakuzi confirmed Tuesday it has secured pre-shipment approval from the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), the country’s plant health regulatory agency, for its second fresh avocado shipment to China. Kakuzi Managing Director Christopher Flowers said the company will be shipping several 20-foot containerContinue Reading

SOURCE: Doris Gomora, Business Insider Mexico is the world’s top producer of avocados, a $3 billion-a-year industry that has earned the fruit the nickname oro verde, or “green gold.” But that moniker has taken on a new irony for everyday Mexicans, who have watched prices increase sharply amid the convergingContinue Reading

SOURCE: Kylie Madry, Reuters Mexico said it would prohibit subcontracting of day laborers in the avocado and berry industries, partly to ensure companies complied with requirements under the country’s trade agreement with the United States and Canada. Labor Minister Luisa Maria Alcalde said on Monday her ministry would publish aContinue Reading

SOURCE: TRANSLATION: Freshplaza The president of the Association of Hass Avocado Producers of Peru (ProHass), Juan Carlos Paredes Rosales, said Peru would export 515,000 tons of Hass avocado this year, i.e. 6.6% more than in 2021. Paredes Rosales highlighted that Europe is the main market for Peru’s Hass avocado,Continue Reading

SOURCE: Katherine Rodriguez, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning Americans to stop storing cut avocados in water because they could be exposed to harmful pathogens. The warning came to light after several TikTok videos went viral showing halved avocados in water to keep them from browning.Continue Reading

SOURCE: Cait Kelly, The Guardian Farmers have been forced to dump thousands of avocados in far north Queensland because of an oversupply of the fruit and increased transportation and packaging costs. Jan De Lai, a resident of Atherton in far north Queensland, posted the photos of the discarded avocados toContinue Reading