SOURCE: Madeleine Cuff, iNews As the brunch ingredient of choice for millennials, supermarkets face a continuous battle keeping their shelves stocked with perfectly ripe avocados. Customers demand ready to eat fruit, but avocados have a short shelf life, swinging from hard to mushy within just a few days. Suppliers, supermarketsContinue Reading

SOURCE: LA Times The coronavirus outbreak has transformed the way the world eats. There is no trend, exactly, other than this: People want comfort. They also want to eat their way to stronger immune systems. They’re stress baking, but they’re also eating healthier foods than they would have at restaurants.Continue Reading

SOURCE: Melanie Groves and Charlie McKillop, ABC Rural Australia’s avocado growers are urging brunch lovers to keep up their smashed avo habit at home after a dramatic crash in the market set off by the coronavirus shutdown of cafes and restaurants. The food-service industry is a massive market for avocadoContinue Reading