An avocado tree-loving beetle, regarded as a serious pest overseas, has been discovered in Auckland.   The wood-boring granulate ambrosia beetle has been detected in four Auckland areas since late February, according to Biosecurity New Zealand.     The beetle is known to feed on a wide range of broadleafContinue Reading

An extract from the seeds of avocados exhibited anti-inflammatory properties in a laboratory study, according to Penn State researchers, and it represents a potential source for novel anti-inflammatory compounds that could be developed as a functional food ingredient or pharmaceuticals.   The researchers developed the extract over the last decadeContinue Reading

The edible coating invented by California-based Apeel Sciences – which doubles an avocado’s shelf life, according to the startup – will soon be carried by Kroger, America’s largest grocery retailer.     Avocados are known for having a short shelf life, lasting about a week at the grocery store beforeContinue Reading