SOURCE: Business Mirror Guatemala is the largest economy in Central America and is an upper-middle country based on its GDP per capita of $4,603 in 2020, according to the World Bank. The Washington-based multilateral lending institution characterized its economy as having “the least volatile growth among its structural and aspirationalContinue Reading

SOURCE: New Straits Times A team of researchers from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka’s (UTeM) have developed an innovative plastic container made from tapioca and banana leaves. The researchers are from the varsity’s Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (FTKMP) and Mechanical Engineering Faculty. Dr Ridhwan Jumaidin, the team’s chiefContinue Reading

SOURCE: Andina TRANSLATION: Freshplaza An initiative promoted by the Organic Banana Agro-industrial Innovation project, executed by the APBOSMAM Agrarian Cooperative and Cedepas Norte within the framework of the Swiss Cooperation SeCompetitive Program (SECO), has helped more than 3,000 small organic banana producers in Piura improve their production quality and ventureContinue Reading

SOURCE: The Star Growers are using the Laos-China Railway to ship bananas from Laos to China, with the speedy means of transport ensuring that the fruit reaches its destination before overripening or going mouldy. In the past the shipment of agricultural produce was problematic because of the long time takenContinue Reading

SOURCE: Alicia Perera, Since first being detected in May, banana freckle has spread to more than 40 properties across the Northern Territory’s Top End region. One of those is Julie-Ann Murphy and Alan Petersen’s farm, Rum Jungle Organics. The only commercial farm caught up in the outbreak, they’re nowContinue Reading