A severe strike in Costa Rica over the last two weeks has heavily affected the banana and pineapple industries, with the latter suffering multi-million dollar losses.   The standstill by the country’s unions began on Sept. 10 in response to the government’s proposed tax reforms which would mean an increaseContinue Reading

Manila should expedite the forging of a free-trade agreement (FTA) with Seoul that would allow Philippine banana exports to enter South Korea at lower tariffs, and ensure that the country would not lose the East Asian market against South American competitors.     The Pilipino Banana Growers and Exporters AssociationContinue Reading

The Taiwanese food giant joins the government’s banana price stabilization initiative and will buy a total of 200 tons of bananas to tackle unreasonable low prices.   Following a Taiwanese food giant’s announcement to procure 100 tons of bananas from local banana growers struggling with low prices, the Council ofContinue Reading

Trials of ‘mutated bananas’ on a research farm in the Northern Territory are being watched closely by Australia’s $600 million banana industry.   It is hoped these banana plants will be resistant to the deadly Panama Disease Tropical Race 4 (TR4), which wiped out the NT’s banana industry in theContinue Reading