SOURCE: Reuters The Philippines on Wednesday appealed directly to consumers in its top export market Japan to pay higher prices for imported bananas to help shoulder a surge in production costs. Prices for fuel and agricultural supplies are driving many farmers to the brink of bankruptcy, according to a reportContinue Reading

by Eduardo, 247 News Agency The Ecuadorian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and BanEcuador presented a proposal this Sunday “to relieve financial pressure” faced by banana producers due to the war in Ukraine which has affected the trade of this fruit, of which Ecuador is the world’s leading exporter. ItContinue Reading

by Lisbeth Zumba, Expreso translation: Freshplaza Producers and authorities continue to define a short-term solution for the fruit that hasn’t been sold since the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and whose value would amount to more than $45 million, according to Acorbanec. This week, representatives of theContinue Reading

SOURCE: Voun Dara, Phnom Penh Post Pivoting from cutting bamboos to collecting non-timber forest products, nearly all of the working-age population of Taken commune in Kampot province’s Chhouk district have been working on the banana plantations of Longmate Agriculture Co Ltd since 2017. Unlike recent claims made in international media,Continue Reading