SOURCE: Gerald Flynn, Vutha Srey, Thomas Cristofoletti, Andy Ball, and Roun Ry, South China Morning Post When the inhabitants of Trapeang Rung learned in 2017 that a 1,000-hectare banana plantation would be established in their village by Longmate Agriculture and was set to provide hundreds of jobs, there was jubilation,Continue Reading

SOURCE: Jie Shuyi, Yicai Global The Philippines may soon no longer be China’s biggest banana supplier as exports to the country sank 25 percent last year from the year before amid surging production costs and lengthier transport times, giving other banana exporters the chance to seize market share. It usedContinue Reading

SOURCE: Ecuador Times The banana producers propose to the Government the creation of a contingency fund with their own financing (from the banana producers themselves), through the withholding of $0.05 per box sold to minimize the losses that may be caused by the war between Russia and Ukraine. This alternativeContinue Reading

Wrapping potato seeds in biodegradable paper made from unusable parts of banana plants reduces the infestation and harmful effects of a nasty plant pathogen—a worm called the potato cyst nematode—and sharply increases potato size and yields. Reported in Nature Sustainability, a recent study shows the banana paper helps disrupt signalsContinue Reading

SOURCE: Joymala Bagchi, The India Several sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh are shifting to the banana plantation. Farmers are taking to the banana plantation after facing payment delays and rising input costs in sugarcane cultivation. More than 35 lakh (3.5 million) farmers roughly are stated to be engaged in sugarcaneContinue Reading

SOURCE: Monica Exner, IAEA Office of Public Information and Communication Whether you like your bananas slightly green or spotted, they are mostly grown in the tropics and subtropics where plants require a warm, humid climate to thrive. This is how they produce the yield that feeds the world. However, dueContinue Reading