SOURCE: Shamsujjoha Polash, Daily Bangladesh TRANSLATION: Freshplaza There are mango orchards on 2,304 hectares in Chuadanga district, in Bangladesh’ western Khulna Division. Among these, there are mango orchards on 720 hectares in Sadar subdistrict, 220 hectares in Alamdanga, 739 hectares in Damurhuda, and 625 hectares in Jibannagar subdistrict. There areContinue Reading

SOURCE: Mintu Deshwara, The Daily Star Farmers are enjoying tremendous success cultivating papaya in fallow lands in Sreemangal upazila of Moulvibazar district, thanks to bumper yield and a reasonable market price. Favourable weather conditions and the availability of cheap fertilisers led to a huge harvest this season, according to theContinue Reading

SOURCE: Dhaka Tribune Braving the Covid-19 pandemic, farmers are eying a bumper production of banana this year in Rangpur agriculture region where cultivation of the crop is continuously increasing. Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) officials said farmers have cultivated bananas on 4,209 hectares of land, including on 2,559 hectares duringContinue Reading

SOURCE: Dhaka Tribune Officials of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) as well as farmers are expecting a bumper mango production following smooth formation of the tender fruits in Rangpur agriculture region. The process of tender fruit’s formation on mango trees continues smoothly predicting its bumper production in the region’sContinue Reading

SOURCE: Dhaka Tribune The farmers said wholesalers and their representatives from different parts of the country flock to the upazila every year when the harvesting season begins. Despite bumper production, jackfruit growers in Sreepur upazila of Gazipur are incurring losses due to a lack of customers and falling prices broughtContinue Reading