SOURCE: The Star The first cargo train fully loaded with Thai durian has reached China on Sunday through the new Chinese-Lao railway service, Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Chalermchai Sri-on said. The shipment consisted of 500 tonnes of durian fruits in 27 containers, according to Thai news agency (TNA). The ministerContinue Reading

SOURCE: The Nation Thailand The Nation Thailand spoke to Sanchai Puranachaikere, president of the Thai Fresh Fruit Traders and Exporters Association, on the problems arising from China’s zero-Covid policy. “We still have no clue in which direction we should go because China has a zero-Covid policy. Which means, there canContinue Reading

SOURCE: Jie Shuyi, Yicai Global The Philippines may soon no longer be China’s biggest banana supplier as exports to the country sank 25 percent last year from the year before amid surging production costs and lengthier transport times, giving other banana exporters the chance to seize market share. It usedContinue Reading