SOURCE: CGTN Shabei Town in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region enjoys natural advantage of sunshine and rainfall – favorable for fruits. Though the humid town is endowed with abundant natural resources, the local government had difficulties finding a suitable crop to plant to help poor families before 2015. AfterContinue Reading

SOURCE: Hin Pisei, Phnom Penh Post Cambodia expects exports of longan (Dimocarpus longan) from Pailin province to the international market, especially direct exports to China, to pick up once the once the Covid-19 outbreak tapers, provincial governor Thou Phea told The Post on Monday. Longan is a tropical evergreen treeContinue Reading

Original source: Enrico dela Cruz, Reuters Work stoppages and market closures in China stemming from a coronavirus epidemic are hurting small- and medium-sized banana growers in the Philippines, the world’s second largest exporter of the fruit, an industry group said on Monday. Mainland China is one of the Southeast AsianContinue Reading