SOURCE: wvua23 The U.S. government ordered the destruction a $15,000 shipment of pineapples from Costa Rica after agriculture inspectors in Mississippi found butterfly larvae that they said could be harmful. U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a news release Monday that inspectors from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, AnimalContinue Reading

SOURCE: EFE, La Vanguardia TRANSLATION: Freshplaza On Wednesday, July 1, Costa Rica declared a state of phytosanitary emergency as a measure to prevent the entry of the Fusarium TR4 plague into the country and protect its banana production, an important activity that generates more than 140,000 direct and indirect jobsContinue Reading

A severe strike in Costa Rica over the last two weeks has heavily affected the banana and pineapple industries, with the latter suffering multi-million dollar losses.   The standstill by the country’s unions began on Sept. 10 in response to the government’s proposed tax reforms which would mean an increaseContinue Reading

As consumers become increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of agro-commodity production, with the click of a button, companies buying pineapples from Costa Rica – one of the world’s largest producers of the fruit – can now see if their suppliers are engaged in deforestation or not, with help fromContinue Reading