SOURCE: PTI, Deccan Herald With the easing of lockdown curbs, banana growers from Ardhapur tehsil in Maharashtra’s Nanded district have started getting demands for export of the fruit to Gulf countries, helping them fetch a better price for their produce. The state agriculture department is also guiding farmers from theContinue Reading

SOURCE: Dhaka Tribune The farmers said wholesalers and their representatives from different parts of the country flock to the upazila every year when the harvesting season begins. Despite bumper production, jackfruit growers in Sreepur upazila of Gazipur are incurring losses due to a lack of customers and falling prices broughtContinue Reading

SOURCE: The Yomiuri Shimbun, The Japan News Bananas and mangoes, among other imported fruits, are in shorter supply in Japan as the coronavirus pandemic has caused lockdown-driven delays in harvesting, flight reductions and a subsequent decline in cargo volumes. This has prompted some retailers to raise the prices of suchContinue Reading

SOURCE: Pattaya Mail The COVID-19 outbreak has caused Thai fruit exports to slow down due to the lockdown of many partner countries. The Ministry of Commerce, has therefore, sought ways to solve the problem by launching a campaign to increase domestic consumption and designating May and June “Thai Fruits GoldenContinue Reading

SOURCE: SA People News Alcohol consumers in South Africa are getting plastered on pineapples after the nationwide alcohol ban in lockdown sparked a craze of turning the tropical fruit into powerful home-brew. Supermarket bosses have revealed that 10 times as many pineapples are being sold at TWICE the price sinceContinue Reading