The Agriculture and Agro-based Ministry (MOA) hopes that durian entrepreneurs and planters can escalate durian-based agro-tourism activities before the 2020 Visit Malaysia Year (VMY2020).   MOA deputy minister Sim Tze Tzin said Malaysian durians had received various recognition worldwide and it should be used as a form of tourist attraction.Continue Reading

Malaysia is all geared to satisfy China’s craving for a pungent, football-sized thorny fruit.   That’s because China’s General Administration of Customs has approved imports of frozen whole durian fruit starting May 30 following an agreement signed in August, according to Sim Tze Tzin, Malaysia’s deputy minister for agriculture andContinue Reading

The habitat of one of the world’s most endangered tigers is under threat, according to environmental groups, as forests in Malaysia are cleared to meet growing demand for durians, the divisively pungent fruit hugely popular in China.   Forests in the region of Raub in Malaysia, which has become aContinue Reading