SOURCE: El Universo TRANSLATION: Freshplaza The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) convened the first meeting to try to reach a consensus between the different parts of the banana sector on the price that will govern fruit exports in 2023. The first meeting was held last Monday and, since thereContinue Reading

by Eduardo, 247 News Agency The Ecuadorian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and BanEcuador presented a proposal this Sunday “to relieve financial pressure” faced by banana producers due to the war in Ukraine which has affected the trade of this fruit, of which Ecuador is the world’s leading exporter. ItContinue Reading

by Lisbeth Zumba, Expreso translation: Freshplaza Producers and authorities continue to define a short-term solution for the fruit that hasn’t been sold since the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, and whose value would amount to more than $45 million, according to Acorbanec. This week, representatives of theContinue Reading

SOURCE: Ecuador Times The banana producers propose to the Government the creation of a contingency fund with their own financing (from the banana producers themselves), through the withholding of $0.05 per box sold to minimize the losses that may be caused by the war between Russia and Ukraine. This alternativeContinue Reading

SOURCE: Liza Sambrano, Expreso TRANSLATION: Freshplaza The presidents of Ecuador and the People’s Republic of China, Guillermo Lasso and Xi Jinping, reached an agreement in the Memorandum of Understanding for the signing of a Free Trade Agreement. This trade agreement would be very important for the Ecuadorian banana sector asContinue Reading

SOURCE: Lucía Vásconez, El Comercio TRANSLATION: Freshplaza Data published by the Central Bank of Ecuador (ECB) confirms that banana and plantain exports between January and August 2021 have decreased when compared to the same period of the previous year. In this period, shipments of Musaceae to international markets reached aContinue Reading

SOURCE: Stephan Kueffner, Bloomberg Ecuador, the world’s biggest banana exporter, is on high alert for its vital crop as neighboring Peru grapples with an outbreak of a fungus deadly to the tropical fruit. “We’ve reinforced practically everything,” Agriculture Minister Xavier Lazo said in an interview, after confirming with Peru’s governmentContinue Reading