SOURCE: Christine Armario and Marcos Pin Mendez For years, Dionisio Romero has relied for his livelihood on a magenta-colored dragon fruit that is wildly popular in Asia, planting dozens of the spindly trees at his farm near Ecuador’s Pacific coast. But as the coronavirus wreaks economic havoc worldwide, the 72-year-oldContinue Reading

In the week of the Living Wage and Living Income Conference, ‘The Only Way is Up’, Fairtrade recognizes the crucial role of governments, unions and employers towards improving living conditions for workers. Following years of engaging and advocating for decent salaries, Fairtrade is delighted to see progress in the bananaContinue Reading

Ecuadorian banana exports to Brazil were suspended by a judicial decision in February 26, 2019, after Brazil opened its market to these exports in December 2017.     Yesterday, Wednesday, May 8, Ecuador demanded the World Trade Organization, WTO, withdraw the restriction measures imposed by Brazil on Ecuadorian bananas, allegingContinue Reading