SOURCE: Guojiguoshu TRANSLATION: Jing Zang, Produce Report According to a press conference held on March 31 in Thailand’s Chanthaburi province, the country’s largest durian-growing region, a new quality inspection program for Thai durians has recently been implemented throughout the province. As of the date of the press conference, three durianContinue Reading

SOURCE: Asia News Network, Phnom Penh Post Vietnam’s agricultural sector has determined to improve quality to meet import market standards and achieve the export target of $10 billion by 2030. Vietnam Vegetables Association secretary-general Dang Phuc Nguyen said new-generation free trade agreements (FTAs) such as the EU-Vietnam Free Trade AgreementContinue Reading

SOURCE: Sainiani Boila, Fbc News With increased papaya and pineapple production, the Agriculture sector is now packaging them as dried fruits for the international market. Output has increased to 4000 and 7000 metric tonnes respectively. Agriculture Minister Dr Mahendra Reddy says the commodities will help farmers and generate income forContinue Reading

SOURCE: Thai Business News With seasonal fruit about to hit the market, including durian, rambutan, and mangosteen, the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce has singed an agreement with CCIC Thailand to provide better traceability service for Thai fruit exported to China, following a new traceability requirement for all imported farm productsContinue Reading