SOURCE: Sheldeen Joy Talavera, Business World Production of Cavendish bananas, the main export variety, remains threatened by Fusarium wilt or Panama disease, likely dampening exports, according to the Pilipino Banana Growers and Exporters Association (PBGEA). “For the first three months, our production was even worse than last year. We’re kindContinue Reading

SOURCE: Reuters The Philippines on Wednesday appealed directly to consumers in its top export market Japan to pay higher prices for imported bananas to help shoulder a surge in production costs. Prices for fuel and agricultural supplies are driving many farmers to the brink of bankruptcy, according to a reportContinue Reading

SOURCE: Sylvain Andzongo, Business in Cameroon Cameroon exported 17,842 tons of banana in October 2021, up by 7.3% year on year, according to figures compiled by the Banana Association of Cameroon (Assobacam). This performance was facilitated by two of the three operators: société des Plantations du Haut Penja (PHP) andContinue Reading

SOURCE: Brice R. Mbodiam, Business in Cameroon In March 2020, the two banana producers still operating in Cameroon exported 13,891 tons of the product, according to data from the banana producers’ association Assobacam. Compared with the 19,967 tons the two companies (Plantations du Haut Penja and Boh Plantations Plc) exported inContinue Reading

Struggling African banana producers called on the European Union on Friday not to cut tariffs on imports from Latin America any further.   Exporters in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) have been losing market share since 2009, when the EU agreed to progressively cut tariffs on bananas from biggerContinue Reading