SOURCE: Sainiani Boila, FBC News Fiji imports $17million worth of fresh fruits annually. These fruits include grapes, oranges, apples, pears and kiwi fruit together with $3.8million worth of processed fruits. These imported fruits have substituted locally grown tropical fruits such as guava, mango, avocado, mandarin and other indigenous fruits inContinue Reading

SOURCE: Sainiani Boila, Fbc News With increased papaya and pineapple production, the Agriculture sector is now packaging them as dried fruits for the international market. Output has increased to 4000 and 7000 metric tonnes respectively. Agriculture Minister Dr Mahendra Reddy says the commodities will help farmers and generate income forContinue Reading

On 25 September 2017, The Fijian Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with Taiwan Technical Mission introduced the Green Pearl guava variety to the local market. Minister Inia Seruiratu of the Ministry of Agriculture Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management officially launched the variety.     “Daily consumption ofContinue Reading