SOURCE: Dhel Nazario, Manila Bulletin Fruits indigenous to the country have been found to be rich in antioxidants by researchers from the University of the Philippines Los Baños. These fruits – as-is, binukaw, kamansi, kolong-kolong, niyog-niyogan, paho, sampinit, pili, and bignay – have been confirmed by chemists from UPLB toContinue Reading

SOURCE: ANI/DevDiscourse Individuals who consume more vegetables, fruits, nuts, and pluses score higher on tests of verbal fluency, suggests a recent study. The study investigated factors associated with verbal fluency among a large sample of English-speaking Canadians aged 45 to 85. “These findings are consistent with other research that hasContinue Reading

SOURCE: The Yomiuri Shimbun, The Japan News Bananas and mangoes, among other imported fruits, are in shorter supply in Japan as the coronavirus pandemic has caused lockdown-driven delays in harvesting, flight reductions and a subsequent decline in cargo volumes. This has prompted some retailers to raise the prices of suchContinue Reading

The Department of Internal Trade (DIT) plans to link Thailand’s central fruit markets with those of China to expand the trading channel for Thai fruits, Whichai Phochanakij, the department’s director-general, said recently.   “The central markets the DIT aims to link are those being promoted by the DIT, ” heContinue Reading

The 7th General Assembly (GA) of the International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet) was held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia on 24 September 2018, a day before the TFNet-led International Conference on Tropical Fruit Pests and Diseases (TROPED 2018).     Twenty three delegates were present during the assembly, including eightContinue Reading