SOURCE: Juan Carlos Rivera, Laprensa Bananas, one of the agricultural products most affected by storms Eta and Iota in November 2020, generated $419.4 million between January and July 2023, showing with this figure a clear recovery of plantations and growth compared to the resounding decline recorded in 2021. After theContinue Reading

SOURCE: La Tribuna TRANSLATION: Freshplaza According to estimates from the Association of Independent Banana Producers of the Sula Valley, the sector needs to invest nearly 40 million dollars to recuperate from the damage caused by tropical storms Eta and Iota in the country’s plantations and ensure the next fruit harvest,Continue Reading

According to a report published by the National Agricultural Food Program (Pronagro), Honduras’ rambutan exports will amount to 5 million dollars this year. Julio Morales, the executive director of Pronagro, stressed that the national crop was reinforced by an excellent flowering and that they expect to harvest one million boxesContinue Reading