SOURCE: Matrubhumi Many farmers in hilly areas of Kerala have found solace in fruit farming, exasperated by skyrocketing operational expenses for cash crops. Even rubber cultivators have switched to fruit farming. While those who are first into agriculture also seem interested in fruit cultivation as the activities related are notContinue Reading

SOURCE: Tiki Rajwi, The Hindu Athelia rolfsii, a soil-borne fungal pathogen, is a major threat to several crops and was found in jackfruit samples collected from three districts. Compared to other fruits, jackfruit is considered relatively free of diseases, but now, researchers at the Integrated Farming Systems Research Station (IFSRS),Continue Reading

SOURCE: Shweta Segar, India Times Indian summers are incomplete without mangoes. Eating mangoes, and sitting by the coolers, while the sun scorches outdoors, is unarguably among the fondest childhood memories of every Indian. Stalls and carts overflow with different varieties and summer holidays are spent gorging on this yellow, pulpyContinue Reading