SOURCE: Jacob Mosenda/The Citizen The Ministry of Agriculture has announced the opening of another avocado market in India, providing opportunity for the crop’s stakeholders and farmers to export the product to overseas markets. In a statement sent to the public on Tuesday November, 30, the ministry said the health authoritiesContinue Reading

SOURCE: The Times of India Consistent incidents of fog in the mornings for a prolonged are likely to impact the cashew and mango fruit setting process, say agriculture experts. This is especially worrying in the face of the late flowering season which was delayed due to unseasonal rain this month.Continue Reading

SOURCE: Livemint A team of Indian scientists has used tea and banana waste to prepare non-toxic activated carbon, which could useful for industrial pollution control, water purification, food and beverage processing, and odour removal. The newly developed process avoids usage of toxic agent for synthesising activated carbon, thus making theContinue Reading

SOURCE: India Science Wire, Down to earth Pineapple-based agroforestry, traditionally practiced by ethnic Hmar tribe in southern Assam, can be a sustainable alternative to jhum cultivation in northeast India. This traditional practice can provide twin solutions for climate change and biodiversity loss, according to a new study. The study wasContinue Reading

SOURCE: Livemint In a major boost to India’s exports of Geographical Indications (GI) certified agricultural produce, a consignment of fibre and mineral rich ‘Jalgaon Banana’ has been shipped to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. About 22 tonne of the GI certified banana was sourced from farmers of Tandalwadi village in Maharashtra’sContinue Reading