SOURCE: Agatha Ngotho, The Star Farmers in Taita Taveta county have been trained on better agronomy in banana farming. The move seeks to help farmers increase crop yield, boost food security and improve their income. Scientists from Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) in Kenya trained the smallholder farmersContinue Reading

SOURCE: Kevin Rotich, CapitalFM Kenya is looking for avocado markets in Malaysia as it finalizes import requirements in the Asian country. Kenya’s High Commissioner to Malaysia, Francis Muhoro, wrote a letter to the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate (KEPHIS) to finalize import requirements for commodities. Malaysia offers an untapped market forContinue Reading

The joint extensive efforts by All Pakistan Fruit and Vegetable Exporters Association (PFVA), Department of Plant Production (DPP) serving under the Federal Ministry of National Food Security and Research and Ministry of Commerce, have paved the way for Pakistan’s huge revenue generation from the important international market of Kenya inContinue Reading